Exclusive pre-sale times are allotted for helpers. This will allow you to shop before anyone else and bring your "dearest" friend! Helpers shop early and avoid the crowds.
Helpers: Sign up for (1) 4 hour shift or (1) 3 hour shift of sorting on Sunday or Monday after the sale.
Super Helpers: Sign up for (2) 4 hour shifts. Sorting shifts are 3 hour shifts...so you can qualify as a super helper with as little as 6 hours. Super helpers enjoy the first opportunity to shop at the event.
Sorting shifts are always after the sale on Sunday (6pm-9pm) and Monday (9am-12pm, 10am-1pm, 11am-2pm or 12pm-3pm). All consignors that participate in the sorting process will have their $10.00 consignor fee refunded.
We are always looking for people with ideas to help the business grow. We will consider any form of advertisement as a method of helping. Just a few examples...
Have access to copiers and willing to make copies for flyer distribution?
Distribute flyers to day cares, doctor's offices, pre-schools, etc.
Own your own business and willing to swap advertisement, vendor representation at the consignment event for advertisement within your business?
Do you write a newsletter for your organization that would allow you to include an advertisement for the Carolina Kids Consignment?
Do you own a bill board sign?
We are open to any suggestions. If you have an idea that you think could benefit us...we are listening. Please contact us.
To register for a shift as a "Helper" please use the helper registration link. We appreciate any help received.
Want to check out the shifts available? Use the button below to review the schedule. We are flexible...if you need to change the shift to accommodate your work schedule, carpool, etc. please let us know. We will do our best to work it out for you.